Fine-Art Photography &
Audiovisual Art Gallery
Date: April-2013
Photographer: Albert C. Hudson
Depicted: North American Mallard Duck group... (Male & Female)
Location: Santa Maria, CA (Waller Park Duck Pond)
Photographic equipment: GE-Digital camera
15 x Wide Aspheric ED- lens 4.9-73.5 mm 1:30-5.2
Definition of Fine-Art Photography
Fine art photography is photography created
in accordance with the vision of the artist as
photographer. Fine art photography stands
in contrast to representational photography, such as photojournalism, which provides a documentary visual account of specific sub-
jects and events, literally re-presenting ob-
jective reality rather than the subjective
intent of the photographer; and commercial photography, the primary focus of which is
to advertise products or services.
Place your Fine-Arts Photography
or AudioVisual Artworks
Here !!
Contact us at: (Cell):1-805-268-1011 (or) (or)
Web Page:,
for our monthly advertisement rates...
* Date: February-2013
* Photographer: Albert C. Hudson
* Depicted / Title: Sky Drama
* Location: Santa Maria Western Valley
Santa Maria, California
* Photographic Equipment:
GE-Digital Camera; 15 x Wide
Aspheric ED Lens (4.9-73.5 mm
Starving Artist..
Place your
Artworks Here!!
* DateL: March-2013
* Photographer: Albert C. Hudson
* Depicted: Cascading Waterfall at
Waller Park Duck Pond.
* Location: Santa Maria, California
* Photographic equipment:
GE-Digital camera
15 x Wide Aspheric ED-lens 4.9-73.5 mm 1:30-5.2
Place your order
Just 35.00....(per monthly flat rate).