About the Hudson Institute of African American Heritage & Global Arts Museum
by albert hudson on 07/30/13
The Hudson Institute of African American Heritage and Global Arts Museum is the product of a life-long inspiration and love of Arts and Humanities. The museum was founded on September 11, 2007; by Deacon Albert Calvin Hudson; who is cur-rently a Ordained Pentecostal Deacon in addition to being a Retired California Peace Officer and a Retired United States Naval Communications Petty Officer.
Museums Mission
The Institution was created as a forum for the presentation of the African American Journey and as a medium for the exhibition of global arts. It is dedicated to collec-ting, Preserving and Interpreting the material and intellectual culture of all people of African Ancestry. The museum is committed to telling the story of African descen-dants in all of it's Permutations: Family Life, The Civil Rights Movement, Arts and Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Law, Medicine, Religious Technology.
The mission also is to serve the community by providing a forum for the promotion of Human Achievements and Cultural Enhancement Programs, also to exhibit represen-tative arts and industrial expositions.